“You’re in a hallway now, correct Doctor?”
in front of an elevator …”
sure am, Freddie.”
Can you tell how many we’ve got inside?”
two, Doctor.”
two, huh?”
and there’s one coming up the—”
elevator doors slid open, revealing a familiar, war hammer-wielding
the Red looked surprised, his blue eyes growing wide as he realized
whose company he was in.
there,” Machine Ranger said. “Viking.”
Ragnar replied. “Tin Man.”
Ranger eyed the large sack that Ragnar was carrying, with produce and
packaging protruding from the top. “Been grocery shopping, big boy?
Pick us up anything?”
Viking dropped the bag on the elevator floor, and raised his hammer
with a growl.
Machine Ranger said. “I could use a snack.”
more than just a snack, you metal moron.” The Viking stepped out of
the elevator. “You’ll find you bit off more than you can chew,
with me.”
doors closed behind him, swallowing up the grocery bag.
see what you’ve done?” Machine Ranger said. “Say goodbye to
those munchies.”
took a menacing step toward him. “It’s you I’ll be saying
goodbye to.” He held his hammer up in position to strike. “It’s
a worthy trade.”
Ranger raised his arms out in front of him. “That’s close enough,
Red.” His twin Gatling guns spun and whirred a second, and stopped.
“You’ll make a heck of a mess at this range.”
don’t you come out of that armor, Tin Man? And face me like a real
not here to play by your rules, Viking. As a matter of fact, I’m
through playing at all—”
the Red hurled his hammer at his adversary.
Ranger opened fire, but the flying iron deflected all the shots, and
the hammer struck him hard in the breadbasket, doubling him over and
sending him flying backward down the hall.
Viking sprinted after him, swiping his war hammer up off the floor as
he passed.
hero took a deep breath, and sprang to his feet—just in time to be
caught by another vicious hammer blow, which smashed him through a
It's 100% fun, and appropriate for all ages!
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